
How to uninstall skype for business in windows 10
How to uninstall skype for business in windows 10

  • Now hit Uninstall and follow the wizard steps.
  • Then highlight for the Skype entry in the installed program list.
  • In Windows 10, hit the Search Windows button.
  • If you are running Office 2016, Skype for Business is installed as a standalone application, so the procedure is the same one as above.
  • Uncheck the check boxes shown in the screenshot below:.
  • Hit the Options menu at the right hand side of your upper toolbar.
  • That said, provided you do have the right permissions, you could as well disable Skype in a quite simple manner, so that even if installed, it won’t start automatically when logging on to Windows 7/10 or alternatively it would run only in the background and won’t interfere with your daily work. Therefore, the only feasible way to uninstall it would be to uninstall Office 365 altogether. Create a shared directory for the C2R/Skype for Business deployment: servershare 3.

    how to uninstall skype for business in windows 10

    From Microsoft’s site, download the Office 2016 Deployment Tool (C2R). Skype for Business is integrated into Office 365, and doesn’t appear as an independent entry in the Programs and Features list. Uninstall using an XML and C2R This method only applies to the C2R version of Skype for Business.

    how to uninstall skype for business in windows 10

    Disable and Remove Skype for Business 365 / 2019

    How to uninstall skype for business in windows 10